StickIt Snacks

StickIt Snacks is a pioneering force in the health food industry, led by the vision of its founder, Dr. Tom Nicholson, and business mogul Jim Osmolinski. Driven by a passion for nutritious food, Dr. Nicholson embarked on a journey that began on a small Scottish Highlander farm in York County, Pennsylvania. His mission was to create a lean beef snack offering unparalleled taste and tangible health benefits. Inspired by his son’s suggestion, he innovatively crafted a beef stick, marking the inception of StickIt Snacks.

An integral part of StickIt’s successful launch can be attributed to Dr. Nicholson’s longstanding friendship with Jim Osmolinski. Drawing from his extensive experience in the international packaging business, Jim and his son brought invaluable expertise in packaging, efficient shipping methods, and strategic business networking. Their collaboration enabled StickIt Snacks to execute ambitious expansion plans, encompassing product design, impactful marketing initiatives, and nationwide consumer reach.

With an unwavering commitment to science-backed principles and thorough research, StickIt Snacks ensures that its beef sticks adhere to stringent quality guidelines. These snacks satiate hunger and provide sustained energy, offering a trusted option for health-conscious consumers. By incorporating diverse nutritious ingredients, including lean beef, beets, bananas, brown rice, chia seeds, and sea salt, StickIt Snacks has crafted a portable snack that is both nutrient-rich and delicious – and fans love it. The company’s recent appearances on QVC and endorsements from professional athlete influencers have further catapulted its popularity. Recognizing the power of online exposure, StickIt Snacks engaged our services to manage its burgeoning social media presence and maximize its digital impact.


Emerging direct-to-consumer healthy snack brand based in Pennsylvania.

Solutions Provided:

As an expert team of digital marketing professionals, our team specializes in helping new and emerging brands grow their reach. To help StickIt Snacks grow within its local market and beyond, we provide the company with local SEO, in-depth social media management, and growth driven web design services.


As a new player in the competitive health food market, StickIt Snacks confronted a significant hurdle in establishing a robust and impactful online presence. Although the company acknowledged the importance of an effective social media strategy for brand visibility and interaction, it needed more tools and resources to grow and engage its audience on these platforms organically.

As a result, there was a two-fold challenge: First, the need for a substantial digital asset library, typically comprising high-quality digital photography, engaging video content, and other media assets. These are essential for creating compelling posts that resonate with audiences and encourage interaction. The absence of these resources required a creative design approach to establish a trustworthy online brand identity.

Secondly, gaining traction and fostering meaningful engagement on social media platforms posed a challenge. With a target audience comprising professional athletes, busy mothers, and health-conscious consumers, a strategic and tailored approach was paramount. The diverse nature of their audience called for understanding different demographic preferences, creating content that appeals to each segment, and a strategy for optimal post timing to reach each group effectively.

Such a diverse and discerning audience also presented the challenge of maintaining a consistent and authentic brand voice that resonated with all consumer segments. It was vital to ensure that every piece of content, whether a blog post, a video, or a simple social media update, represented StickIt’s brand values and appealed to its consumers’ health-conscious, active lifestyles.


We devised a multi-pronged social media management strategy to counter these challenges and connect StickIt Snacks with its diverse audience. This strategy integrated custom creative assets, focused product marketing, influencer partnerships, and deep community engagement across popular social media platforms.

Social Media Management

Our team dedicated the initial phase to revamping StickIt’s early social media content to ensure brand consistency and optimal audience engagement. We removed non-brand-centric posts, enriched post captions with SEO-friendly keywords, and refined the language to appeal to StickIt’s target demographics.

Once the brand’s social media persona was redeveloped, we rolled out a comprehensive strategy that encompassed the following:

  • Instagram Marketing – We leveraged Instagram’s high user engagement by sharing captivating imagery and compelling stories about StickIt’s products, highlighting their nutritional benefits, unique ingredients, purchasing options, and insightful articles on topics like maximizing pre-workout nutrition.
  • Facebook Marketing – We used Facebook to spread significant product benefits and lifestyle advice to channel users, sharing informative blogs and health articles to foster an informed and health-conscious community.
  • Twitter Marketing – While Twitter was not a primary social media platform in our strategy, we still harnessed its potential to share bite-sized, impactful information and to keep the audience updated on StickIt’s product offerings and benefits.
  • Influencer Marketing – Finally, we supplemented StickIt’s existing influencer partnerships by reposting and actively engaging with content produced by their sponsored athletes, including MMA fighters. These fighters include Brent Primus, Mike Hamel, and Shamil Nikaev.

In addition to thinking about how users would respond to the new website experience, we also considered how search engines would find and rank the new site, a key factor for driving new traffic. So, we embedded technical search engine optimization elements, such as meta descriptions and title tags, into the website programming to increase search visibility and the potential for increased website visits.

Finally, our web design and development process also included client-friendly features for BRD, including visitor tracking capabilities and an easy-to-use content management system (CMS) that makes it easy for them to update the new website without advanced programming knowledge.

Graphic Design

Our approach to social media posts was deeply rooted in using custom graphics and creative assets. Our graphic design team excelled in producing visually captivating, branded content tailored to its diverse audience. With a rich array of custom images and engaging screen records, we help StickIt Snacks maintain a consistent and intriguing presence on all its social media platforms.

Digital Marketing Services

While social media management is a key focus of our work with StickIt Snacks, our engagement extends well beyond those parameters to ensure the company reaches its sales and growth goals. To ensure the success of StickIt Snacks, our team developed an expansive, growth-oriented strategy to position the company within a highly competitive market.

Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Next, we determined the ideal mix of digital marketing tactics to reach the company’s distinct target audiences. Before engaging us, BRD acquired many clients because of its respectable company culture and personal likeability, so we knew it would be important to integrate tactics that would nurture existing leads and customers while expanding the reach to include new audiences.

Growth Driven Design (GDD)

To ensure the StickIt Snacks website remains fresh and dynamic in a quickly changing industry, our team works closely with the client to implement incremental improvements. This web design strategy, also known as Growth Driven Design (GDD), utilizes company and industry data, competitor analysis, and ongoing research to develop innovative website features. To date, this our work with StickIt Snacks through GDD has led to a complete refresh of the site and the addition of a fundraising option information page.


Our data-minded account team provides StickIt Snacks with detailed analytics reports monthly and quarterly, and we conduct regular meetings to discuss campaign performance. We can identify successful strategies and improvement areas by closely monitoring these analytics. This methodology allows us to adapt our approach to serve the company’s needs and audience best, promoting maximum ROI.


Despite the campaign’s ongoing early stages, StickIt Snacks has already observed promising results. Instagram reach increased by 97.1%, and the Facebook page reach grew by 92.6% within a few months of the campaign launch. As more performance metrics become available, we anticipate continuing our partnership with StickIt Snacks, assisting them in becoming the go-to health snack provider in the market.

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