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Spring Cleaning For Your Website

Regular website maintenance is important for your online company. Just like your home, your website needs an annual spring clean-up. Certain website maintenance tasks should be performed throughout the year to keep content relevant. Other tasks can be done once a year.

Tip #1

Visit Your Competitor Sites

The contents of your site should reflect what you want to promote. When performing any website maintenance, you should check your competitor’s sites to see what is out there. While you’re surfing the web, be sure make a note on what you liked, what you didn’t, and why. Use this research to help develop an original site that stands out among the competition.

Tip #2

Analyze Your Website

To find out what your website needs, put yourself in your visitors’ shoes. Look around. Do you see anything that’s missing or can be approved on? Determine how your website can be changed. Consider having a friend or family member look over your site. Ask them for an honest evaluation, and then use these thoughts to improve your site. Some specifics you may ask could include the site’s look and feel, the ease of navigation, and the site content itself.

Tip #3

Update Your Content

Revitalizing your content is a top reason for website maintenance. Keeping your informational content fresh is important. If your web content is out of date, visitors will search elsewhere for things that they need. Studies show sites that are updated often have more returning visitors and higher page views. Search engines will also give you more attention if you regularly update your pages with fresh content.

Tip #4

Track Your Results

After completing your website maintenance and implementing changes, you want to track the results of your hard work. Check the site stats on your website to decide whether you had increases in visitors or sales. If there are no changes after several months, consider stepping up your efforts. Review this list of tips. Was there something missed? Was there something you could have done better? Remember, cost-effective websites aren’t started overnight. They take hard work, dedication, and continuing efforts for success.

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